
Brand Identity


About the project

While working at Techtonic I had the privilege to develop an extensive brand guideline for all internal and external communication. Being the only designer at the company presented many challenges like producing work quickly while maintaining quality. At Techtonic, I designed marketing collateral, assisted in web design, improved SEO, created campaigns, and created social media posts.

September 28, 2019
My Role
Visual Designer


The Techtonic Brand is more than just a logo, it is a visual representation of who we are and what we stand for. Our visual identity is a story, demonstrated through a wide range of design and imagery. Our typography, color palette, and imagery work in tandem to showcase our company values, personality, and leadership expertise to the world.


Maintaining 100% consistency when using the Techtonic logo is paramount for all communications. Size, color, and spacing must be adhered to at all times. We have a variety of sizes to utilize, please make sure to use the smallest size that also maintains pixel clarity.

Logo Spacing

To ensure the logo’s visibility, it should always be surrounded by a generous area of white space. This protects the logo from competing visuals such as text and graphics. The minimum clear space is equal to the “T” in “Techtonic.” 


The chosen colors are vibrant and fresh -- complimenting each other well!

Color Opacity

You can change the opacity of the original color in order to use that the opacity CSS property. If the design requires for the color to be solid and not “see-through” then utilize the hex codes for the same visual effect. 


A condensed heading typeface is chosen in order to allow for more content. Fjalla makes an impact and creates a clear visual hierarchy. Lato is chosen as the body text for its legibility and simplicity.


Techtonic prefers images that utilize a human element while demonstrating diversity and inclusion where appropriate.

Business Card

The Techtonic business card is designed for quality, utility, and readability.

Data Sheets

Data sheets are created to showcase Techtonic's approach to software development, talent generation, and quality assurance. They are utilized by the sales team to generate leads and increase revenue.

Case Studies

Case Studies are created to showcase client projects that Techtonic has worked on. They are utilized by the sales team to generate leads and increase revenue.

Success Stories

Success stories are created to showcase apprentice successes. They are used by the recruiting team to recruit and retain talent.

Break Points

These break points are created in accordance with bootstrap and provide guidelines for web development!

Recent Projects

Made in Webflow